Sodea Fruits
the first in Tunisia
Sodea is proud to be the first experience in Tunisia in the field of the conditioning and prepackaging of fruits and vegetables.
It was created in 1995 in khelidia, an agricultural suburb 25 km far from Tunis. Sodea favours fruits and vegetables in the national level (leader of the repacked products distributes in big stores) as well as in the international level (leader of the new products destined to exportation). The Sodea is endowed with and industrial area of about 5000 m2 containing 20 refrigerator warehouses with a capacity of 1200 tons. Sodea industry consist of an electronic tooling (ganging and conditioning), while allows to treat 2000 tons of vegetables and 5000 tons fruits. The products are selected by a team made up of specialized engineers who ensure supplying from the farmers which label is based on first choice criteria both on the quantity and on quality levels.
